

Here is the subset of markdown, used in our CSV files

The following commands from markdown are allowed in columns sectext and variabletext:

A blank line seperates two paragraphs.

In LibreOffice you can produce them by pressing the CTRL/STRG and RETURN/ENTER/EINGABE twice. Two or more spaces
at the end of a line, followed by a line break will insert a line break.

Bullet lists use asteriks, pluses and hyphens as list markers (after an empty line):

* one
+ two
- three

   second line of item “three”.

Numbered lists use regular numbers followed by periods, also after empty lines:

1. One

1. Two

3. Three

In the example above, the numbers in the code are 1, 1 (sic!), and 3. And the are empty lines between the list items.

*   A list item.

    With multiple paragraphs.

*   Another item in the list.

> This is a blockquote, with leading >.
> This is the second paragraph in the blockquote, also with leading > and preceded by an line whch contains only a >.

    For spaces declare a code line.
    And one more.

A piece of `code` is enclosed by backticks ` (also known as grave accent).

Some of these words *are emphasized*, by enclosing asteriks * .

Some of these words _are emphasized also_ by enclosing underline _ .

Use two asterisks for **strong emphasis**, enclosed by double asteriks ** .

Or, if you prefer, __use two underscores instead__, enclosed by double underline __ .

You also can produce simple tables:

fruit| price


The following commands from markdown are allowed in columns sectext and variabletext:

A blank line seperates two paragraphs.

In LibreOffice you can produce them by pressing the CTRL/STRG and RETURN/ENTER/EINGABE twice. Two or more spaces
at the end of a line, followed by a line break will insert a line break.

Bullet lists use asteriks, pluses and hyphens as list markers (after an empty line):

  • one
  • two
  • three

second line of item “three”.

Numbered lists use regular numbers followed by periods, also after empty lines:

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three

In the example above, the numbers in the code are 1, 1 (sic!), and 3. And the are empty lines between the list items.

  • A list item.

    With multiple paragraphs.

  • Another item in the list.

    This is a blockquote, with leading >.

    This is the second paragraph in the blockquote, also with leading > and preceded by an line whch contains only a >.

For spaces declare a code line.
And one more.

A piece of code is enclosed by backticks ` (also known as grave accent).

Some of these words are emphasized, by enclosing asteriks * .

Some of these words are emphasized also by enclosing underline _ .

Use two asterisks for strong emphasis, enclosed by double asteriks ** .

Or, if you prefer, use two underscores instead, enclosed by double underline __ .

You also can produce simple tables:

fruit price
apple 2.05
pear 1.37
orange 3.09