File structure

The file consists of two parts: YAML metadata and a study description in markdown. Example::

name: test-study
title: Test Study

Study info

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam quis lorem
ultricies, hendrerit nisl vitae, gravida libero. Pellentesque condimentum
sapien et neque condimentum tincidunt. Nam lorem felis, vehicula
condimentum dolor in, porttitor hendrerit elit. In ultrices vel neque ut
ligula. Duis non metus ultricies, egestas justo et, dignissim dui.
Phasellus vehicula faucibus arcu, in lacinia neque faucibus ac. Etiam
congue ultrices pulvinar.

YAML part

The YAML part contains some basic metadata elements about your study and additional elements for DDI on Rails, depending on the current functionality in DDI on Rails.

The name of the study (e.g., “soep-core”)
A label (e.g., “SOEP Core”)
DDI-on-Rails-specific configuration. For example, you can configure if DDI on Rails should include the so-called “label table” for your variable preview. The configuration also includes the list of valid script generators for your study.

Markdown part

We highly recommend the following structure for the Markdown part of your study description:

  • Study name (e.g. soep-core)
  • Label (e.g. German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP))
  • Citation guideline (e.g. a publication)
  • Persistent identifier (e.g. DOI)
  • Investigators/authors
  • URL

More elements are allowed.

Study info
Abstract (1 paragraph).
Instruments, sample design, data collection, response rates, etc. (1–3 paragraphs).
Data access
Availability, contact details (1–2 paragraphs).
Data description
Description of datasets including missing codes, key variables, structure, etc. (1–3 paragraphs).
Study units
List of study units either as descriptions or as links to separated study descriptions (each study unit can have its own study description).
Other material and Notes
Related material, studies, publications, etc. (optional).
As an attachment.